Friday, 24 September 2010

Assignment #1: Welcome Post

Your first assignment and your first posting will be a Welcome post. You will welcome new readers to your blog, introduce yourself and try to grasp the reader's attention, attracting them to come back to your blog often.

Once you are logged in, click on "New Post" in the upper right hand side of your page. You can then compose a message (don't bother with the Edit Html tab). The message composition works much the same way as a word processor like Microsoft Word does.

In your welcome message, I would like you to:
1. introduce yourself (first name ONLY)
2. tell your readers you're happy they're here
3. tell your reader a little bit about yourself. You will include 3-5 juicy sentences describing yourself with evidence (for example: "I am a little shy at school but I love watching "Glee" because I can imagine how amazing it would be to be able to be brave and sing in front of others.")
4. encourage your readers to leave comments or questions
5. thank your reader and encourage him or her to come back and visit often

Before you "Publish post", make sure to SPEAL CHEECK your work. (There's a little ABC checkmark icon in your menu bar, spellchecker will highlight the words it does not recognize).

Once you have written your welcome post. please leave a comment on this post on my blog. I will then link to your blog (you will see the links beginning to appear on the right hand side of my blog).


Melissa said...

Hi Miss Pollock! It's Melissa! My welcome post is complete! Check it out!

Hannah said...

Hey Ms. Pollock.
I feel really stupid because I spent my weekend trying to figure out how to leave a comment. I only just noticed the "leave a comment" post where you explained how. Anyway, my welcome post is complete (it has been since Friday.)You can find it at:


Haneen said...

Hi, Ms Pollock! My wall post is complete. Please check it out!

Zak Kulane said...

Hi Ms pollock im finished my welcome post sorry it was late I realized it when I was about to go to sleep yesterday oh well its done now.

Zak Kulane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jatinder said...

hey its jatinder i have finish my blog check it out

Mateen said...

Done my blog ;)

Anonymous said...

hey miss pollock im done my welcome post!

Tara said...

Hey Mrs.Pollock!
It's Tara, and my name means hill :P and red :P follow my blogg!! pleasee... :)

jeffrey.v said...

hi mis pollock i have made my blog come see

Sara K. said...


Zuhair.A said...

Done my blog thing ms.pollick

Reshad said...

Hey Miss P, im done my welcome post finallly

Anonymous said...

Hey miss pollock im done my welcome post

will said...

Miss pollok please follow me .

willeme said...

sup miss p im DONE MY WELCOME

Walid said...

Hey Miss. P im done my assigntments #1,2,and 3 now starting #4

Walid said...

Hey Miss.P im done Assignments 1-3 im now starting # 4. Check it out!!

charzie:) said...

hi! ms.pollock im bored and i dont have you as a friend so add me! i have nothing else betta to do

p.s thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi im done my welcome post check it out

iksha said...

thanx miss p for reminding me anyway, i m done now