Copy the text of the poem to a new post on your own blog. Link to this post. Select the 10 most important words in the poem (in your opinion) and put them in italics. Select two photos or images from the Internet and embed them in the poem at appropriate places.
Finally, answer the question: "Where would you most like to wake up?" (answer in at least 5 lines describing where you would like to wake up and your reasoning)
Here is the poem:
Island Man (for a Caribbean island man in London who still wakes up the sound of the sea)
by Grace Nichols
and island man wakes up
to the sound of blue surf
in his head
the steady breaking and wombing
wild seabirds
and fishermen pushing out to sea
the sun surfacing defiantly
from the east
of his small emerald island
He always comes back
groggily groggily
comes back to sands
of a grey metallic soar
to a surge of wheels
to dull North Circular roar
muffling muffling
his crumpled pillow waves
island man heaves himself
another London day
For a bonus, practice reading the poem aloud. Do you read it the same as I did? Differently? You may be asked to perform it in class. We still have more work to do with this one!
Here is one reader's interpretation of Island Man.
Does this look familiar?
Miss P, I finished that assignment about the Island Man! Check it out!
Miss p I done the Island assigment.
I just finished the island man poem project,come take a look at it!
Miss P i finnished my assignment about the Island Man but i wouldnt show my work..idont know what to do!! Help me please.
Hello Mrs.P!
Check out my new blog post about Island Man.
Thank you!
Miss P i finnished my assignment.
come and take a look at it !
Hi miss pollock I finished my assignment #5! come check it out
I finished the island man assignment and walid look in your posts folder on your blog
Hi miss P just wanted to say I got a gleek tclub started on my blog hope you check it out.
Hi, Ms. P!
I just finished my Island man assingment.
Check it out, please.
Hey miss.p it worked thanks!!
I finished my "Island Man" assignment! (:
I made the corrections and edited the HTML music code so that its not auto
hey miss p i finished my assignment come check it out.
i am done
Hey miss p im done my Island man assignment check it out
Hey Ms. P,
I'm done my Island man post, come check it out!
Hey I'm done my Island man thing check my blog out!!!
hey im done ma island man thing come check it out!!!
come see
my iland blog
hi, miss p i m done
i made so changes come check it out
hey miss p i editeed my post cheack it out!!!!
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