Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Assignment #9: The Golden Rule

Hello R8A,

Your newest assignment is a collaborative one. Ms. Crosbie's students have been reading and thinking about The Golden Rule. They will be posting a response to her assignment on their blogs.

Your buddies' names are listed on the right hand side of my blog, with links to your blogs and theirs. Please check on your buddy's blog (or buddies' blogs) often and make sure to leave thoughtful comments and questions. You will be evaluated on this.

For this assignment, visit your buddy's blog, read his or her post about The Golden Rule and, in the comments section, do a 3-2-1. 3 things you liked about the post, 2 other ideas that could be added (maybe links or your own personal connections), and 1 question for the poster.

Layout your comment like this:
3 things I liked
2 further ideas
1 question
Remember to be thorough, thoughtful and respectful in your comments.


Melissa said...

I commented on both of my buddies about the Golden Rule. They might not be up yet, because they both need to approve it before it's shown, but just to let you know, I commented!

Hannah said...

Hey Ms. P,
I'm done commenting on both my buddies blogs but they need to approve still. Hee-hee I just copied Melissa's comment! So you can check out Andrianna's and Alicia's blogs!

Haneen said...

Hi Ms. P,

I commented on Arianna's Golden Rule post! Just wanted to let you know I did.


Reshad said...

hey miss p i commented on my buddies golden rule

Walid said...

miss . p im done i told kyle to check it out...just letting you know.

Walid said...

Hey Miss.P can you go to my blog and cheack out if my commenting thing is done right?

iksha said...

miss p i have just commented on my buddy's golden rule. i just let you know that i have commented on it.........

Taraaa said...

Hi Miss P. i finished my 3,2,1 for the field trip :)

charzie:) said...

hi ms. pollock

i finished the 3,2,1 but i could only comment for one of my partners the other one is named amanda and i cant link on to her blog it wont let me im not sure she has it:p

charzie:) said...

hi ms.pollock i finished my 3,2,1

Taraaaaaaa said...

Hi miss Pollock i posted a comment on ONE of my buddies blog's

shahad said...

Hi miss pollok.
i posted on my buddy's blog but one of my buddies didn't do the assigment yet.

Sara K. said...

Hey Miss Pollock I commented on BOTH of my buddies' blogs! (:

jatinder said...

brandon r is not respnoding

Mateen said...

Hi ms P i had finished this but i had forgot to write it here:


Let me know